Organisation Partner?

We are an ever-growing Organisation and with the blessings of the Almighty and the help of donors and volunteers, we hope to continue to be able to make a difference to the lives of those less fortunate than us. We ask that you become a part of the Al-Amin family and follow us on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all up-to-date information on our latest projects and how you can get involved. May the Almighty bless us all with the ability to give more and change the lives of even more. Ameen.

Become a Volunteer

Do you feel like you can make a small but crucial difference to the world? Get in touch! Volunteer is very rewarding, it can help you to gain skills whilst making a difference to communities across the world. To get involved, simply fill the form below and we will be in touch!

About Us

Al-Amin has been working tirelessly for over 20 years to support and help various causes and charities, with a view to making people’s lives better and aiding those who are in need. Al-Amin operates a 100% donation police: every penny of your donations is used specifically for the cause you donate to.

Contact Info

Address: 50 Hamilton Street, Glasgow G42 0PL
Phone: (0141) 423 8899

Copyright © 2020 Al-Amin. Charity Reg. No. SC047876. All rights reserved